The small scale sewage treatment system with membran filtration BUSSE-MF represents the state of the art technology in the field of biological water treatment. Due to its compact and modular structure the Busse MBR system can be adapted for installations on house boats, theatres, museums and restaurant ships, river boats as well as larger yachts. For a pricise adaptation of the system for an individual project different tank systems and tank sizes will be picket out or produced. The system will always be installed in an environment that allows for accessibility and maintenance the whole year around undepending of weather conditions. The effluent from the system can be re-used for flushing toilets, cleaning the deck or can be discharged directly into the surrounding waters.

Advantages at a glance
- Treatment of the complete waste water on board (WC, shower, pantry)
- No need to get rid of waste water at central disposal stations
- Water treated by the BusseMF systm may be discharged in water protection zones an can be re-used as service water
- Can be installed in floating bodies, beneath deck or in the engine room
- Small Footprint
- Extremely quiet and odorless operation
- Low operation costs
- No frequent sludge disposal neccessary due to the applied MBR technology
- Secure investment because the actaul values of the treated wate rare very much below the limits currently permitted by law